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Changes and Challenges were a theme for the choir in 2018.

It began quietly enough with songs from World War I – sung with stirring patriotism, haughty imperialism, tragedy and humour. We presented these songs at an open rehearsal in June with audience members taking part in sections of the rehearsal – notably the warmups and supper!

We had already faced change and challenge by then: our MD, Kate Oliver, was lured away by a wonderful job offer. With her support we faced the challenge and embraced the change and were soooo lucky to be able to appoint Rachel Martella to take Kate’s place. Rachel’s musical and teaching skills are matched a warmth and humour that have endeared her to us all.

In July some choir members took part in an amazing experience at the State Theatre Centre. “The Events” by David Greig had us transfixed as we became (a large and active) prop in a play exploring the violence of mass shootings. We who attended found new depths to the play and our admiration of the actors grew over the three nights we ‘starred` along with a couple of chairs and a cup of tea as..

And then the real challenge.

Looking Back: 2018