Angel’s CarolDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
Ave VerumDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
Hallelujah ChorusDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
In The Bleak MidwinterDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
Silent NightDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
Will Ye Go LassieDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload
Silent Night (Descant)Download
*Into The WestDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload

More tracks will be added if you need them, and as I get access to them.

*Into The West: there are only two separate practice tracks. One is for Sopranos and Altos, the other for Tenor and Bass. Both have piano accompaniment to help with timing.

Practice Tracks
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